
Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood Backerkit Pre-order Store

Created by Double Kickstarter

This is your last chance to back Armed Fantasia and/or Penny Blood! Join the amazing fans who have helped make this project a reality! All backers receive Beta Access, a special Backer role on Discord, and can assist in choosing some character design choices, as well as enjoy exclusive live game concerts! We currently don’t have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in Backerkit due to the volatility of shipping prices over the past year. We plan to wait until a few months before the games launch to provide as many shipping options as possible. We will update backers after shipping options are locked in. Based upon the shipping option you select, a shipping charge will be made to the payment method on record. We have enabled Paypal. If you're using PayPal to purchase something via the Double Kickstarter pre-order store, fill out your survey until the payment step and do not finalize it. You'll be charged once the shipping costs are confirmed. This process ensures your order is correctly processed. For Digital Only merchandise is digital you can disregard this step. If you are looking for a fun experience you can enjoy right now, check out the Penny Blood Hellbound store. Pre-existing backers get a discount! これがArmed Fantasia やPenny Blood のバッカーになる最後のチャンス! このプロジェクトの実現をサポートしてくれた最高のファンのみんなに仲間入りしよう!すべてのバッカーの皆さんに、ゲームのベータ版、Discordでのスペシャルバッカーロール、キャラクターデザイン選択の機会を提供し、また、独占的なライブコンサートも楽しんでいただけます! 過去1年間の配送価格の変動により、現在Backerkitに物理的なリワードの配送価格が選択できません。できるだけ多くの配送オプションを提供するため、ゲーム発売の数ヶ月前に発送オプションを確定して、バッカーの皆様にお知らせします。 重要なお願い:ダブルキックスターターストアにおいて、PayPalで支払う予定がある場合は、発送に必要な情報の記入までしていただき、支払い情報は入力しないでおいてください。送料が確定された後に請求が行われます。この形で進めていただけると、注文が問題なく処理されるはずです。デジタル系のアイテムのみご購入された場合は、すべての商品がデジタルのため、このステップは不要です。 今すぐ楽しめるものをお探しなら、Penny Blood Hellboundストアをチェックしてみて!既存バッカーの皆さんには割引価格で!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

June 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 08:00:29 AM


Hello backers! Summer is in full swing here so we are staying indoors and pushing forward with development.

Campaign Updates

Discord Roles

Unfortunately, we were unable to get finalized the role assigning bot before Discord began pushing their name update functionality so we have redesigned the bot to work via backer E-mails. This means by inputting your backer E-mail you'll be able to have your role assigned without issue. The bot will be released in July so the goal is to have everyone's role assigned by end of July. Thank you for your patience as we work out the new solution for the updated Discord ID system.

Development Updates


All of a sudden, we’ve reached the halfway point of 2023. All the various sections of our team have gone through their steps of preparation, and the development work is proceeding at a good pace. We can't show you a summary of all our results because it would lead to spoilers, which is extremely frustrating, but we definitely plan to inform you of our progress at the proper junctures, so please look forward to that!

Now for this month's update from Kaneko.

ARMED FANTASIA June 2023 Project Update


World Map

We're still working on the white models. The world map is an important element of this game, so we don't want to make it too big or too small. We're imagining Londenium as a vast world, so we're imagining that such a world will take a fair amount of time to complete.


We're working on concept art that'll be used to create new maps. We've worked mainly on the Wild West-style maps thus far so it could serve as a standing point for our worldbuilding, but this month we started working on maps that take a bit of a different approach, as well as a port town that will match well with blue skies and seas.


We created a puzzle box prototype. It's basically a 3D color matching puzzle that runs on orthodox rules, with jump elements (height differences) added.


We're implementing a temporary version of the basic system.

We're aiming to create battles that feature highly strategic options, as one would expect from a turn-based game, so we're also working on building out the following:

-A UI that's easy to understand

-Controls that feel good


This month, the effects team's showing off some anomaly effects that are still works in progress.

This is Gwiber, an anomaly you should all be familiar with, charging and unleashing a tail attack. The background may stick out to you, but it's just the default screen from the development tool.


Progress-wise, I've traversed the first hill. Most of the enemy/ally characters are lined up, and the main story is finally set to start moving. I'm also right in the middle of working on the "charge up" that will lead into later episodes.

I've also started working on the storyboards for events. Right now, in the seat diagonally in front of me, the person in charge of doing the prologues is staring up at the sky and moaning. Everyone, please cheer him on passionately.


We have to keep the details secret, but we've been working on two designs for important characters who appear in the latter half of the story. One is all done, and we're right in the middle of finishing up the second.

We've also started working on color variation production so that we can create a lot of NPCs. The team made the characters neither too gaudy nor too plain so they can adequately decorate our towns and facilities.



5 new rough drafts have been uploaded. We're using these five songs to decide our policies in terms of how far we should drift out from the Western touches and how wide we should go in terms of BGM variation.

They all sound great, and I've been exchanging opinions with the music director in regards to their final arrangements.

Additional Notes

In our last update, we revealed standby motions for characters in battle. Afterwards, I received some questions, such as "Are those the final versions?" and "Isn't the ribbon on that jacket going to flutter?"

Allow me to take this opportunity to answer. "It will flutter." You don't need to worry.

Those sorts of animations aren't added by manual animating but rather programming processing. In our current development environment, it's fluttering during the battles we're running, and you'll also be able to see it flutter as you run around the field.

It may be a little too late to mention now, but this was a good reminder to me of the difficulties that come along with showing off assets that are still in development. From this point forward, I'm going to do my best to make sure our messages are conveyed as clearly as possible when displaying our progress.



PENNY BLOOD Project Diary

Good evening, everyone. One month has passed since we finished the walkthrough version in May, allowing us to experience a slightly slower-paced month where we returned back to business as usual. We’re right in the middle of the rainy season, which has caused Niigata to see a lot of rainy days.

Now then, let us begin this month’s PENNY BLOOD Project Diary.

While our various publisher candidates check out our walkthrough version, I’ve been having a postmortem session all by myself where I try to think about what I could have done to make the content feel fuller, and whether or not there was anything else I could have done midst the production. When creating games, there will always be a limit to the time and budget you have, and there are countless points within the development period where you are forced to make compromises somewhere. It’s been a while, but I’m experiencing one of those yet again.

Still, now that peace (?) has been restored to us, I’ve been working on all the office work that’s piled up while making my next preparations.

As I start back up on the story outline… Well, let’s say that everything I want to put into the game would be 100% of its volume. What if we’re only able to create 80% of that due to budgetary reasons? Or what if we have to compromise and make it 60%, or 50%... Oh no, how are we going to do this?! Just to make sure nothing like that happens, I’ve been separating story parts into blocks and labeling them with priorities. As the common Japanese saying goes, it isn’t a good idea to spread the cloth open too wide, I don’t want to simplify it so much that the cloth ends up the size of a hand towel! It’s all rather difficult.

I wanted to rouse myself into action and really enjoy my work, so I decided to make a correlation table for the characters, meant to display how the characters of PENNY BLOOD see each other as I write the scenario. As the story continues, the characters’ impressions of each other might change a bit, but looking at the general way they see each other should make it easier for me to come up with conversations and ideas for scenes.

Throughout July, Kato-san worked on drawing the details for Suseri while finishing up her illustration. Lots of warm colors were used in the initial design, so she re-examined the colors and changed the inner color of Suseri’s hair to a green that’s close to blue in order to make her overall impression look more invigorating. Suseri is the only main character who’s wearing a uniform, so she made sure to give a prim and proper atmosphere to the final version.

Today’s update is special, because we’re showing off not only the readjusted Suseri but the readjusted Luca as well!

As I wrote about last time, Luca is stuck at age 10, so we used the gothic version that was chosen during the Double Kickstarter campaign’s three choices and made his face and body look cuter and younger, since he’ll need to have an innocent image for story reasons.

Hanya-san finished Gol, the dark fusion monster, and is now back to drawing monsters. He’s currently working on a powerful enemy that appears halfway through the story…a really gross design based on an insect. We can’t show you this one, so instead we’ll show you the finalized version of Gol since we only showed the partly-finished version last month.

Watanabe-san finished drawing the image board for the New York sewers (dungeon). I’ve got yet another freshly-finished, piping hot image to show you here! The New York sewers made headlines in the 1930s as a scary, dangerous place where monsters (giant alligators?) were said to lurk. I intend to take a bit of inspiration from those sorts of urban legends and make it a terrifying dungeon in PENNY BLOOD as well.

……That concludes this month’s update. Whenever I go out for a walk during clear skies in between the rain and see cumulonimbus clouds, it reminds me that another hot summer is right around the corner.

See you all next month.

Matsuzo Machida

Message from Hirota-san

Good evening, everyone.

In May, we were all extremely busy working on the walkthrough version. As far as the sound production goes, I did as much as I could in the time I was given. Some parts of it came out really well, but there were other parts that I can’t say the same about, so I’ll need to squeeze out some more knowledge and improve those bits.

From this point on, for a while, I’ll turn back to the work I did when we first started development, analyze the atmosphere for each scene, and think about how the sound should be. It sounds simple when I write it out, but there’s actually a lot of work that needs to be done here, and it’s all very important, so I need to keep myself concentrated. Unlike the period of time when we actually started development, however, I now know a great deal more about the background and time period of the game’s setting, so it feels like all the ideas that are coming to me are lined up along the same wavelength.

As far as music is concerned, I’ve come up with a ton of different ideas that I’d like to try. I plan to do a lot of trial and error in July as I perform test recordings with my allies.








ボットは7月にリリースされる予定ですので、7月末までに全員のロールが割り当てられることを目標としています。更新されたDiscord IDシステムの対応作業の間、いましばらくご辛抱いただくことになりますが、宜しくお願いします。






『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年6月プロジェクト月報









































































『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記


では、今月もPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗を報告させていただきます。



ストーリー構成を再開する上で、実現したい構想を100%のボリュームとしたら、予算の関係上80%しか作れなかったらここまで、60%だったらここを割愛しよう、50%だったら、ヤバいどうしよう……!? といった感じでストーリーをブロックごとに分けて優先度を設定していったりしています。あんまり大風呂敷を広げるのも良くないけれど、構想を縮め過ぎて気がついたら大風呂敷がハンドタオルになっちゃったよおい! なんてのもダメだから、なかなか難しいところです。

そこで楽しい創作をしようと奮起し、登場人物同士の相関表なるものを作ってみました。これはシナリオを書く際に PENNY BLOOD のキャラがお互いをどういう風に思っているかを現したものです。物語が進む上で最初に抱いていた印象から変化することもあるでしょうが、おおよそこんな感じで相手をとらえているのがわかれば掛け合いや演出のアイデアも浮かびやすいだろうと考えています。





渡部さんはニューヨークの下水道(ダンジョン)のイメージボードを描き上げたところです。今回はそのできたてホヤホヤの画像をお見せします。ニューヨークの下水道といえば恐ろしい怪物が棲息している(巨大ワニ?)危険な場所として1930年代に話題になりました。PENNY BLOOD ではそのへんの都市伝説をネタに恐ろしいダンジョンとして盛り込みたいと考えています。




町田 松三






May 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 26, 2023 at 07:35:04 AM


Greetings Backers!

We were able to use Golden Week to recharge and make great progress on both games. We hope you like what you see! Please let us know in the comments or on Discord!

Campaign Updates

Discord Roles

Development on the discord bot is largely completed and we plan to set it live in the next couple of weeks. Our amazing moderators let us know that Discord will soon be updating their ID naming system which will create some customer service headaches on this end. Due to the large number of backers we have decided to split this into two phases:

・Phase One: Upon launching the bot anyone who has filled out their survey and provided their Discord ID will receive their role up until the point that Discord implements the new name change system. Currently there are no specifics from Discord of when that will be other than "over the next few months"

・Phase Two: Sometime after the name change we will send out a revised survey that addresses a couple of bugs for a question involving one of the items. When this goes out anyone who doesn't have a role and would like one will need to provide their new Discord ID in the new format at that time. We don't have a specific date for this but most likely it will be close to the end of the year.

Survey Update

More backers have completed their survey and we were able to navigate the AppleID E-mail issue. We currently have 82% of backers that have filled out their backer survey. If you need support please reach out to the customer support team at [email protected]

Development Updates


All of a sudden, it’s the last week of May. It’s starting to feel like summer, so don’t forget to hydrate yourselves and stay healthy!

Here is another project update from Kaneko.

Armed Fantasia May 2023 Project Update


World Map

We’re still creating white models for the world map.


We finished Euclid’s vehicle, which we mentioned in last month’s update, and this month we started testing the behavior for the flying machine that lets you soar through the sky and the boat that lets you traverse the waters.

We’re currently trying to discover the best feel, movement speed, and controls for them.


We’re confirmed almost all of the specifications for the gadgets on the map, but we’ll keep considering how we may need to adjust or balance them based on further development.

From the start, this may have been obvious to a certain group of people, but Soleil’s partner Stritsch will also be usable as a gadget.



For the time being, we’ve confirmed the total number (number of unique models) of anomalies (kaiju), which serve as the decorative flowers of any good RPG, as well as a source of joy for all of the human race. We’ve also finished naming them, adding their major features and detailed info, so from this point on we’ll start sliding them into the battle system.


We’ve completed the in-battle standby motions for Ingram, Alicia, and Euclid.

If you switch ARMs while in standby, the motion will switch over whatever matches the form (type) of the ARM.

From this point on we’re going to start working not just on more things for those three, but also motions for the other characters and anomalies.


We’re also working on various effects that will appear in battles, such as hit marks.


The prologue scenario is being written, while the overall plot and game flow is being edited and modified as necessary. (Copied and pasted from last month’s update)

It seems like Ingram, Alicia, and Euclid’s solo prologues will all be unique and interesting in their own ways. This is especially true for Ingram’s prologue, since the person in charge of it is now grumbling and saying “You liar. This is way more complicated than what you told me at the beginning.”



We finished five different types of designs for members of the Iconocluster and the knights and employees who work for the Church of the Sacred Key – all nameless characters despite the fact that they are deeply connected to the story and the world.


We’re still working on designing these. Cool monsters, evil-looking monsters, monsters that look problematic no matter what angle you gaze at them from, we’ve got a lot of variety. My favorite is the mechanoid dragon named after a certain famous sword. (*Personal opinion)


We’re currently working on white models for three new dungeons. If I were to keep honestly reporting on the number of dungeons we’re working on, the total number of dungeons would eventually be revealed, and sharp-witted people might discover a slight spoiler related to the story, so I’ll stop listing numbers from this month onwards.

Incidentally, the atmospheres of the dungeons we’re working on are… “classical underground ruins built out of stone,” “westernpunk church facility,” and “profoundly ornate gothic style.” (letting confidential information slip out in the spirit of good service)

User Interface

We implemented a temporary main menu. Together with that, we’re working on designing the HUD for the field and battle screens.


We uploaded three new storyboards for force breaks, the characters’ special moves.



I thought up a new way to use BGM that I’ve never used in any previous game, so I spoke to the composer knowing that I may be heading toward dying a hero’s death with this particular idea. Currently, we’re looking into whether we can actually implement it or not.


We’ve started working on sound effects for the field and UI.


We had a lot to share in this update compared to previous months, but please understand that just because there was a lot of information in this one, it doesn’t mean that we worked hard only during this month.

Even when we don’t have much to report to you all, every last staff member is working their hardest, so please don’t worry.

I was worried about whether or not I properly conveyed the fact that everyone is working hard in my reports thus far, so I added an extra bit here to the ending. (sorry for the wall of text)


Penny Blood Project Diary

Good evening, everyone. Just like other nights thus far, I’m staring at my monitor, keeping my heart sharp, forcing my eyes open whenever they close, and writing these sentences with all my might.

After the last update, Golden Week passed by at mach speed, and 5/31 is now right around the corner. 5/31 is the deadline for the walkthrough version. If God exists, I’d want him to rewind back time to New Year’s, but of course that wish won’t come true, so every day I’ve been immersing myself in my work with as much concentration as possible.

Now, allow me to begin this month’s Penny Blood project report. In the past two updates, I’ve talked about our desperate struggle with the walkthrough version. We’re currently still fighting that hard fight, but it’s finally started to take form, so I’d like to release a clip of it in action for this month’s update. Hmm…but will it actually be finished in time? If they manage to edit it by tonight, it should be visible in this update, so I hope you’re excited!

Surprise Encounter clip!

As for me, ever since Golden Week ended, I’ve paused my work on the story (Don’t say “But you didn’t finish it yet!”) in order to work on additional description text for the character, monster, and image board documents, while also recompiling them. As I was doing that, I got a new idea for a last scene that I really like. Pretty funny considering how nothing came to mind when I spent all that time groaning to myself.

Kato-san finished readjusting Goliath last time, and finished Luca and Candy this time. Since we can’t change the fact that Luca is 10 years old, working on his art was really hard, but after putting it to the side for such a long time, it finally came together in the end, so she’s relieved. Candy’s coloring was the only thing that was supposed to be adjusted, but we added one last bit of adjustment to her design as well.

Hanya-san worked on the art for “Gol, the Tenebrous Knight.” The deadline was pushed up so the art would make it in time for this update, and he did his best to meet it. Gol is the ‘heaviest’ out of the seven elements, but he has his own secret just like Demna, and I’m glad the design ended up just as imagined.

Work-in-progress Gol

Watanabe-san is working on the image board for the location that will serve as the final dungeon to the Asia Arc (the first half of the game). Back when I was working on SH1, I spent a lot of time thinking about whether this location or Shanghai would be best for the fortress where the final battle with the evil sage Dehuai would take place, so I’m glad I was able to finally use this location in Penny Blood.

Lastly, Hirota-san, our sound specialist, has been working hard on adding sounds to the walkthrough version. Once his work with that calms down, I’d like to do another Creators Radio with him.

…That brings us to the end of this month’s update. The annoying rainy season is drawing near, but I hope you can all keep smiling daily without letting the muggy gloom bring you down.

Matsuzo Machida

Message from Hirota-san

Good evening. May sure went by quick! The town where I live is already getting some summer sun. How have you all been? We’re reaching the culmination of our work on the walkthrough version and working very hard every day.

When the graphics’ atmosphere and motions get better, it creates a phenomenon where the music and sound effects also start to sound like they’ve been improved. It’s also interesting how conversely, the sound can also make characters’ movements look heavier and make it seem like there have been changes made to the graphics. I’ve been working hard on production every day while enjoying this – one of the true joys of game development.

I need to do more composing work, but sometimes I’m shocked to realize I spent my whole day planning production flow, managing things, and doing other miscellaneous tasks - but that’s all important work too. It’s only thanks to that work getting done that I can create tracks that fit each scene, and it also leads to the birth of unexpected sounds.

I’m working very hard on production throughout the pressure - but there are also happy moments as well, such as when I give my allies who been working on the development with me a request from the sound POV, and they reply saying they can change the length or timing of an event – words that every sound specialist would feel blessed to hear. I feel so happy to be working on a project where the sound is treated with such importance.

We’re moving the production along while choosing what we feel to be the best decisions and trusting in our visions for how we want the game to be.

The walkthrough version is short, but contains about six different songs. In this update, I’d like to have you all listen to the monastery chapel music. This chapel is called the “beautiful corner” by the dev team. What brings Matthew to this chapel, and what sort of incident happened within it? Perhaps Director Machida will tell us more about it on the next Creators Radio.

Sacred Offerings (Gulgalta Chapel)

The work isn’t finished once I compose the tracks. It’s also very important to decide what time the music starts playing, how the music ends, and figure out the atmosphere for the sound effects that are necessary for each scene. I can’t wait for the day when you can hear this music and experience all the work I’ve put into the sound design.

I’m working very hard every day, so please keep cheering me on!



ゴールデンウィークに充電できたおかげで、2つのゲーム制作を大きく前進させることができました。アップデート情報を読んで、ワクワクしていただけたら幸いです! 感想はコメントやDiscordでお知らせください!




フェーズ1:Discordに新しい名前変更システムを実装されるまでの間(※)、サーベイに答えてDiscord IDを知らせてくださった方は、ボット起動時に、ロールを受け取ることができます。


フェーズ2:新しい名前変更システムが実装された後、いくつかのバグを修正した新しいサーベイを送信します。その際、ロールをお持ちでない方で、かつロールを希望される方は、新しいフォーマットのDiscord IDをお知らせいただく必要があります。(具体的な日程は未定ですが、おそらく年末に近い時期になると思われます。)


前回から更に多くのバッカーさんがサーベイを完了し、AppleIDの電子メール問題を解決することができました。現在、82%のバッカーがバッカーアンケートに回答しています。サポートが必要な場合は、カスタマーサポートチーム([email protected])までご連絡ください。






『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年5月プロジェクト月報




















































































『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記



では、今月もPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗を報告させていただきます。

前回、前々回と苦戦中とお伝えしたウォークスルー版ですが、今も厳しい戦いはつづいています。それでも何とか形にはなってきましたので、今回のアップデートでほんの少しですが動いている映像をお見せしたいと思います。えーっと、どうかな? 夜中までに間に合うかな? 編集が間に合ったら、きっと新しい映像が載っているはずなので、お楽しみに!


町田はと言うと、ゴールデンウィーク明けからはこれまでのストーリー構成を一旦止めて、(まだ終わってなかったんかい! っていうツッコミはせんといて)キャラクターやモンスター、イメージボードの資料を再編し解説を書き足すなどして更新しました。そうこうしているうちに、かなり気に入ったラストシーンのアイデアが浮かんできました。あれほどうーん、うーん、と唸っている時には何も浮かばなかったくせにホント皮肉なものです。



開発中 ゴル

渡部さんは、前半アジア篇のラスダンとなる場所のイメージボードを作画中です。ここは昔SH1を作っていたときに悪役仙人の徳壊が城を構える場所として、上海とどっちがいいか、どっちが決戦の舞台にふさわしいかで迷った場所だったので、今回 PENNY BLOOD で出すことができてよかったです。

最後にサウンドの弘田さんですが、ウォークスルー版の音付けに力を入れてくださっています。作業が落ち着いたタイミングで、また一緒に Creators Radio を開催したいですね。



町田 松三







ウォークスルー版は、短いプレイ時間ながら6曲ほどの音楽を使っています。今回のアップデートでは、修道院の礼拝堂の音楽を聴いて頂こうと思います。この礼拝堂は、開発陣の中でビューティフルコーナーと呼ばれている場所です。どのような経緯があってマシューがこの礼拝堂にたどり着くのか。そして、ここではどのような事件があるのでしょうか。きっと町田監督のCreators Radioでも、監督からお話を聞けるかなと思います。

Sacred Offerings (Gulgalta Chapel)



April 2023 Update
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 07:14:52 AM


Greetings Backers!

We are just heading into Golden Week which is one of the longest holidays in Japan. The weather is fine but we continue to be excited for these passion projects you have helped give us the chance to make!

Campaign Updates

Surveys and AppleID

More and more people have completed their backer survey so thank you for your support. We won't close surveys until a few months before the game ships so don't worry if you haven't completed yours. There is plenty of time.

We finally understand one of the bigger issues that was occurring. Backers who used AppleID to log into Backerkit and have the security settings to hide their E-mail address are unable to receive surveys. Since the E-mails are hidden, Backerkit doesn't have a way to send information to these backers. If means you'll have to either contact Backerkit support and update your E-mail address to something that is not hidden or contact us at the Campaign team at [email protected] to manually adjust your E-mail to something that can be viewed so that we can send you the survey. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the same E-mail listed above so that we can help.

FAQ incoming

We know there are a lot of questions about the survey, items on backerkit, timelines etc. Some of the answers have taken time to figure out. Others required a bit of trial and error. In order to make everything as clear as possible we plan to update the Backerkit FAQ and link to it on Discord so that it's common information to as many backers as possible. We are in the process of adjusting this but it won't be until May when we have it finalized.

Discord Mods

We wanted to drop a quick THANK YOU message to all the wonderful Discord mods who have been keeping an eye on the questions from backers and letting us know. You really do help keep the community informed and allow us to focus more on production! We couldn't have done this without you.

Development Updates



April 2023 Update


Golden week (a long spring holiday) is finally here in Japan.
 We hope everyone has a fun holiday. If you’re working through the holiday, good luck!

We have another project update report for you from Kaneko this month.

ARMED FANTASIA April 2023 Project Report


World Map

We’ve finished our preparations and began the actual production on the world map. Currently, we’re creating the white models while also adjusting, checking, and appropriating things in line with requests from the planner side. We’re searching for a perfect ‘world state’ that is vast, but not too vast, and fits properly with the gameplay we’re imagining.


We’ve done a temporary implementation of Euclid’s vehicle. Characters can ride in it, and we’re using it to test how it feels to cross the wasteland on wheels. How it feels to travel in vehicles is another standard we’re going to use to calculate how big the world should be.


We’ve started creating the gadgets, beginning with the ones that have easy-to-understand effects, such as the knife (temporary name), which has the ability to slice things when thrown toward them, and the bomb (temporary name), which can send out shockwaves to the immediate area when set on the ground. We’re already a bit torn about how much we should report on the completely new gadgets in order to avoid spoilers, including those that have effects that would be hard to explain in monthly reports.


We’ve started working on motion images for characters (including anomalies). We’ll also be adjusting the specifications of skills while keeping in mind their consistency with each motion.


The prologue scenario is being written, while the overall plot and game flow is being edited and modified as necessary. We’re also working on naming dungeons and towns. We feel like everything becomes more fitting (fitting what, exactly?) as more work gets done.



We’re working on concept art for the town and dungeon that appear in the prologue.


We’re still working on designing the anomalies. We’ve imagined Fulad-zereh, which you can see below, as both a manifestation of wild violence as well as an intelligent, problematic enemy. But this is a role-playing game, so no matter how many settings we add on top of this, its role will always be something that’s meant to be defeated by the main characters.


We worked on the shadow and eye details for characters whose designs have been finished. That’s done for now, so it’s back to character design work again.


Design specifications for the unique ARMs wielded by each Iconocluster official have been submitted. Design work should begin at the end of the month. The design for the (ghost ship ?) that Kimiquis drives has been submitted. Design work is scheduled to begin at the end of the month as well.


We created an (outlined) work schedule for the BGMs from a mid to long-term perspective, also based around the composers’ plans. We’ll start composing our images for all the BGM beginning with whatever’s easiest to start with.



Penny Blood Project Diary

Good evening, everyone. According to the Japanese calendar, we’re at the “grain rain” period, and the end of spring is here. However, I’m still wearing my winter clothes at home. I mean, it’s still kind of cold…

It’s that time of year again: golden week. Some people who have long ones may get to enjoy nine days off. Right now, I’m very torn as to whether I should use this precious break as a way to refresh myself or to focus on my personal work.

Now then, it’s time for another monthly Penny Blood project report. Last month, I stated that we were working VERY hard on the walkthrough version, and this is still the case. We search out ways to fix problems at every weekly meeting, try to implement new approaches and fixes, but we still have yet to make any great strides, and now golden week is here. I have no intention to give up here, though. I’m going to do everything I can to boost the quality somehow.

Meanwhile, I’ve charged into the second half of the story overview, and it’s almost time to wrap up all the subplots and create the exciting climax. Hmm… But I’m not sure what to do. No matter how much time I spend thinking, I can’t come up with the perfect final scene. I just writhe in agony and murmur with Monaka-chan on the floor. Why on the floor? Because it’s heated.

After lots of squinting, Kato-san finally solved the difficult equation of (wild + steampunk + purple skin with studs) x glimmer of intelligence - Ma**nger-esque elements and finished drawing the new Goliath. I was sure Goliath would end up as a really dumb-looking joke character, but he’s now been reborn and possesses a reliable atmosphere as well as the cloudless eyes of a hero. Now I can’t put “dacchi” or “zura” at the end of his lines… I’ll have to go with “gowasu.”

Hanya-san is still designing guest characters, and is currently  drawing Owen Madden, a gangster who will interact with Matthew and co. starting in the prologue, just like Hoover from the BOI. Hanya-san succeeded in completing another ridiculous request from Machida and drew Owen with a frightening amount of accuracy. Once you see the art, you’ll immediately understand what the ‘accuracy’ refers to, as he’s modeled after a great movie director I love.

Watanabe-san, our image board artist, spent the last month drawing the outer visuals for a fortress that will serve as a dungeon, and is now working on the interior for this month. Younger people may not be familiar with this, but it’s based on a residential district that used to exist in Hong Kong and was sort of a “den of evil.” The cramped, cluttered atmosphere is coming along quite nicely. I can’t wait to walk through it once it’s in 3D.

It also seems like Hirota-san, our sound leader, is once again planning something fun for everyone…and there may be a hint toward what it is in his message.

…That concludes the update information for this month but I wanted to include some of the concept images of Hoover. 

I hope you all have a fun golden week.

Matsuzo Machida

Message from Hirota-san

Good evening, everyone. Last week, a funk band that I play in as a bassist put on a live performance. We just couldn’t manage to put on a performance during covid times, so it was our first time playing live in four years. Thankfully, we had a full audience, and the call & response was a total blast. Of course, we can’t let our guard down regarding infection-related issues, but it really moved me when I thought about the period of time when I couldn’t see anyone.

I want to create another chance for everyone to enjoy the music of Penny Blood in a live setting, so I hope you’ll all attend when the time comes.

As for this month’s sound development report, I’m still working on the music and sound effects. The content is really evolving, so I’ve been thinking about how to design everything based on that. There will be some difficulties as far as specifications are concerned, but I intend to use ingenuity to create some really fun sound design.

I also want to move forward with my 20s jazz music production, so I’ve been talking with Kaida-san. I’m really excited for what’s yet to come.

Also, I streamed a composing livestream last month. Going forward, I plan to expand on this and stream periodically. I’m thinking up some fun plans that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy.

As time goes on, I find myself coming up with more and more things I want to do, but first I’ll focus on the walkthrough version sound design and keep doing my very best.







私たちは、発生していた大きな問題の1つをようやく解明できました。AppleIDを使ってBackerkitにサインインした際、セキュリティ設定でメールアドレスを非公開に設定しているバッカーさんは、サーベイを受け取ることができないという問題があります。。メールアドレスが非公開になっているため、Backerkitはこれらのバッカーさんに情報を送信する方法がないのです。解決のためには、Backerkitのサポートに連絡してメールアドレスを共有に変更するか、キャンペーンチーム([email protected])に連絡して閲覧可能なメールアドレスに手動で調整する必要があります。ご不明な点がございましたら、上記キャンペーンチームのメールアドレスまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。


サーベイ、backerkitのアイテム、タイムラインなど、たくさんの質問があるかと思います。そうした質問への答えには、問題を解明するまで時間がかかるものもあります。また、試行錯誤が必要なものもあります。可能な限りすべてを明確にするために、私たちはBackerkit FAQを更新し、Discordにリンクを貼ることを予定しています。そうすることで、できるだけ多くのバッカーさんに共通の情報が行きわたればと期待しています。スケジュールは現在調整中ですが、最終的には5月以降の公開になると思います。続報をお待ちください。






アップデート 2023年4月





『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年4月プロジェクト月報




















































『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記



では、今月もPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗を報告させていただきます。


そんな中、町田のストーリー構成は後半に突入し、そろそろ盛り上がるクライマックス&とっちらかった伏線を回収するタイミングへとさしかかってきました。うーん、どうしよう。いくら考えても、これだ! っていうラストが浮かんでこない。うーん、うーん、と床の上でもなかちゃんと一緒にのたうちまわります。床でのたうつのは床暖房が入っているからです。







町田 松三








March 2023 Update
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 05:58:39 AM


Greetings Backers!

The weather is fine in Japan and the cherry blossoms have never looked better!

Campaign Update

Confidential Information Issue Follow-up

We have sent E-mails to all affected backers informing them of the recent E-mail issue. Our goal is to address all affected backers on an individual basis in hopes that we can rebuild any lost trust over this issue. The header will read "Double Kickstarter: Update on Confidential Information Issue".

The goal with any crowdfunding campaign is to make sure backers have a closer connection point to the creators and get more in-depth looks at the creative process but we want to make sure it's clear the campaign team who is working to facilitate the campaign is responsible for logistical issues and problems that have occurred. In this case in particular we want to be clear that we are a separate entity from both Yukikaze and Wild Bunch Productions so the responsibility is ours alone.


We are currently at 80% of surveys completed so please do check your in-box to see if one has arrived. Most crowdfunded campaigns get up to over 90% but still hundreds of backers end up not filling out their survey which means we are unable to ship their rewards.

Development Updates


Tokyo has been experiencing a lot of big differences in temperature lately, but how is everyone else doing around the world?

Here's another project progress report from Kaneko for this month.

ARMED FANTASIA March 2023 Project Report


We've started to examine the locations for the world map. Currently, we're adjusting the map so that it can include a variety of landscapes and keep adventurers from getting bored on their journeys.

We created a white box for one new dungeon.

The way gadgets work on the map is being refined from our imagination to actual specifications as needed.

The town at the beginning of the story has been used as a model case to create design patterns for Westernpunk-style houses.

↑We're creating assets that are both general-purpose and can be personalized for each building.


We've been calculating and scheduling design workloads.

We've also designed a new character who serves as both an ally and an enemy to the main characters.

We've done a more detailed examination of how the message windows will work in conjunction with events.

The font size was adjusted to a larger size. Adding kana only after increasing the resolution is a thing of the past. For Armed Fantasia, we want to allow players to read large, beautiful letters.

Kaiju designs are still being worked on.

We selected a new external designer. Negotiations are currently underway.



PENNY BLOOD Project Diary

Good evening everyone. Machida here, who just saw Shin Kamen Rider and is now burning with creativity.

Incidentally, flowers have started blooming all throughout the Japanese archipelago, and Niigata, my hometown, was scheduled to see its flowers bloom on 3/27. It seems like this weekend will be the perfect time to go flower viewing, so I hope I'll get to walk through the cherry blossom trees when I'm outside this weekend.

Now, it's time for this month's Penny Blood project update. We're still working on the walkthrough version - working VERY hard on it! We've been exchanging ideas on how to improve it even more, and we're currently in the middle of discussing which improvements we should prioritize most.

Personally, I'm still working on the overall structure for the story. I've split the plot up into chapters, and the more I write, the more characters appear - both new and old. Even I'm excited to see just what sort of things they end up doing in the world of Penny Blood. I wanted to finish everything by the end of this month, but since my time got taken up by other things, I'll be working on it for a bit longer.

Kato-san has been creating new characters and working on design documents to help outside artists assist her. When a character appears twice in two different time periods, it affects their clothing and overall design, so she's been working hard on designs for characters before and after time has taken its toll on them.

Hanya-san finished up with Agent Hoover, and worked on designing a grotesque monster that appears in the prologue. This monster has a really gross design to it, kind of like several humans fused together. I can't wait to see how gross it looks when it's in motion. I wonder which NPC I should have him work on next... Oh, I know! I'll have him work on HER...

Watanabe-san is drawing the stronghold that appears on mainland China. He created an image board that packs such a punch it looks like it could be used as package art for a  plastic model battleship kit. It's going to be similar to Ryounkaku Citadel, which we revealed during the DKS campaign. At the time, the Russo-Japanese War had just ended, and Russian and Japanese territories had undergone changes, so we wanted it to be a locale that exhibits vestiges of that sort of thing. It's already become one of my favorite dungeons.

Sound-wise, Hirota-san's Osaka concert on 3/18 seemed to be a big hit. We really enjoyed watching it on stream. I think Hirota-san will be commenting on it afterwards, so I hope you read his update too.

I'd also like to thank everyone who tuned into the Creators Radio we did after the concert. We're thinking about doing another one toward the end of April. We'll do a proper announcement once it gets closer.

That's it for this month's update.

I hope you all enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom season!

Matsuzo Machida

Message from Hirota-san

Good evening, everyone.

March ended up being full of chances for people to dabble in the world of PENNY BLOOD through its music, with "Composition Work for PENNY BLOOD", "Workroom Inferno Vol. 0," and "PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side." Did you all watch the streams?

As the title "Composition Work for Penny Blood" suggests, that was a stream I did from my composing room, where I composed music live. I was worried as to whether people would actually enjoy watching me compose, but all the warm comments I received from everyone put me at ease. I hope I can stream the continuation of my work on that song in the future, and I hope you'll all tune in when I do.

"Workroom Inferno Vol. 0" was an intro to the club party that I streamed one week before the event. It was basically a machine concert where I used software as well as hardware such as drum machines, analog synthesizers to mix the music in real-time.

Last but not least, we had "PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side." Now that I think about it, this was our first real 'official event.' You'd probably be hard-pressed to find another club event full of people dancing to remixed music from an RPG that's still being worked on, regardless of where you looked. I was really glad to be able to meet with people who are excited for PENNY BLOOD and talk to them in person. The 4 DJs who warmed up the room before I went on were all really cool, awesome, and fun to watch! I had a blast performing while watching everyone dance and have a good time. I hope I can see you all again someday! Thanks to everyone who watched us on stream, too.

You can check out details from the event by searching with the hashtag "#pennyblood_osaka" on Twitter.

After the concert, I received lots of messages from people who wanted us to put on a similar event in their cities as well. First, though, I need to create more music for the game, or else I'll just end up creating variations of remixes... Slowly but surely, I'd like to increase my repertoire and put on all sorts of parties and concerts where people can enjoy music from Penny Blood, whether it's in Japan or otherwise. (I want to enjoy the delicious food and alcohol all cities have to offer as well...!)

Aside from the events, I've also been working on the sound design for the walkthrough. This month, I mainly thought about the direction for the sound effects and also did some trial and error to improve sounds that have already been added. Footsteps are an especially great way to provide additional information to the senses that can't be covered by the visuals. How big/wide is the field, how high is the ceiling, what is the floor made of? Footsteps are an incredible tool that can create a greater sense of immersion for users and deliver the atmosphere to them in a more direct manner. I can't imagine creating a game without giving proper thought to these kinds of sounds.

As I continue working hard, I'm really excited for the day when you'll all be able to listen to my work. Until then, I hope you all stay well.






先日のメール誤送信の件につきましては、影響を受けたすべてのバッカー様に、状況をご説明するメールをお送りいたしました。私たちキャンペーンチームは、影響を受けたすべてのバッカー様に個別に対応させていただき、誠心誠意、信頼の回復に努めて参ります。。「重要:機密情報の問題( "Double Kickstarter: Update on Confidential Information Issue")」という件名のメールをお送りしますので、ご確認をよろしくお願いいたします。この度は誠に申し訳ありませんでした。

キャンペーン中に発生したロジスティクスの問題に対する全責任は、キャンペーンを促進するために働いている私たちキャンペーンチームにある、ということを明確にさせていただきます。クラウドファンディングキャンペーンの目標は、バッカー様がクリエイター様とより密接なつながりを持ち、クリエイティブなプロセスをより深く見ることができるようにすることにあります。今回の全責任は私たちキャンペーンチームにあり、クリエイターであるYukikaze様とWild Bunch Productions様は、私たちとは別の組織であることを改めて申し上げたいと思います。重ねてのお詫びとなりますが、この度は誠に申し訳ありませんでした。







『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年3月プロジェクト月報
















『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記



では、今月もPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗を報告させていただきます。


町田はと言うと、相変わらずストーリー構成を続けています。プロットを章に分けて書いて行くのですが、話が進むにつれ新キャラが登場したり懐かしいキャラが出てきたりして、一体 PENNYBLOOD ではどんな活躍を見せてくれるのだろうと自分でも楽しい気分になってきます。本当は今月末に全部終わらせたかったんだけど、他のことに手を取られているのもあるので、もう少し時間をもらうことにしました。





ライブの後に再開した Creators Radio もみなさん聴きに来てくださってありがとうございました。次回は4月の終わり頃に開催したいと考えていますので、また近くなったら告知します。



町田 松三



3月は「Composition work for PENNY BLOOD」「Workroom Inferno Vol.0」「PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side」と、音楽を通してPENNY BLOODの世界に触れて頂く機会が多かった月間でした。配信はご覧になりましたか?

「Composition work for Penny Blood」は、タイトルの通り私が作曲している姿を、私の作曲部屋からお送りしました。作曲の様子なんて皆さんに楽しんでもらえるのか、少し不安でしたが、多くの方から暖かいコメントを頂いてホッとしています。あの曲の作曲の続きを、機会をみて配信できればと思っていますので、その時はまたぜひご覧になってください。

「Workroom Inferno Vol.0」は、翌週のクラブパーティのイントロ版としてライブを配信しました。それは、いわゆるマシンライブで、ドラムマシンやアナログシンセなどのハードウェア、およびソフトウェアを使って、リアルタイムで楽曲のリミックスをしていくライブプレイです。

そして「PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side」。今考えるとこれは初の公式リアルイベントだったのかな。制作中のRPG音楽のリミックスで踊って盛り上がるクラブイベントなんて世界中探してもあまり無いかも。PENNY BLOODに期待を寄せてくださっている方々とリアルでお会いできて、近くでお話しできて本当に嬉しかったです。私の前に盛り上げてくださった4人のDJsのプレイも、とてもかっこよく、楽しく、素晴らしかったですね!私も皆さんが踊ったり盛り上がっている様子を見ながら、とても楽しんでライブプレイできました。きっとまたお会いしましょう!配信でご覧になった方々もありがとうございました。





Confidential Information Issue
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 06:57:52 AM


Dear Backers,

Thank you for all who attended the DJ event in Osaka and everyone who joined us on the stream. Unfortunately, in trying to manually send out invites it was clear our E-mail system wouldn't support such a large number of messages.

While sectioning off the E-mails and sending them to different groups, one group received messages that were not BCCed allowing other backers to see other E-mails addresses. This affected lower than 3% of the backers but we take confidentiality very seriously and will make every effort to fix this issue moving forward. Also, please note this was a mishandling by the campaign team and not the creators making the games.

We understand this creates a trust issue and apologize for any and all inconveniences this may cause. If you have any questions please send us an E-mail directly to [email protected].

-Double Kickstarter Campaign Team




ご質問がある場合は、[email protected] まで直接メールをお送りください。

 PENNY BLOOD キャンペーンチーム